To reflect on emotions

Emotions are woven into everything that we do. They are part of every thought, every decision, every event we experience. Yet we like to label some emotions as good and some as bad. Are those judgments really fair?

Yet what are emotions really?

They are a way of knowing, a way of knowing that tends to be devalued. We value instead rational, detachment and the intellect. Yet emotions are intertwined in every encounter we have, every space we interact with and every thought we create. We can invoke emotions by thinking about the past, contemplating the future and experiencing the present moment. Our emotions can change as we move through space. Some spaces welcome emotions some spaces exclude certain types of emotions. 

It can take a lot of energy to hold an emotion within yourself that is not welcome in the space you inhabit.

To be human is to have emotions

Emotions are energy. I experience emotions as energy or sensation within my body. Each emotion has its own quality, its own frequency and movement through my body. When I feel the embodiment of the emotion I can ride the wave of energy to the other side. 

Emotions are relational..Emotions are a force created between us and our environment, both the humans and other than humans we encounter. I think of them as an exchange between me and what is around me or me and the thoughts that are within me. So there is an internal aspect to emotions and external aspect to them. 

Emotions are an important aspect in how we experience the world and how we make sense of it. 

Emotions help us navigate the world. When we pay attention to them, they provide us with important information about what we are experiencing. Noticing how we feel about a place, an event or other people can give us a sense of how to move forward. When we are too rushed, stressed or pressured, we can miss the subtlety of our emotions and therefore miss the quiet directions we are being sent.

I invite you to:

Spend the day and notice:

  • How your emotions ebb and flow throughout the day
  • How the place you move through affect the emotions you feel
  • How emotions move between you and other people and the other than people
  • What messages your emotions carry with them
  • In what places you suppress emotions
  • In what places are you feel free to fully express what you are feeling

Get curious about what you discover. What sense do you make of it?

I would love to hear what you discover.

Remember you are amazing and the array of emotions that you express make you even more amazing.


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